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Nicole Reider

8 July 2010
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Instant Cash Solutions
United Kingdom
Language (Primary) English
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I am new to Drupal and still in the exploring phase. I have created a primary website on Payday Loans using Drupal and find it very convenient. Interested in learning more and using my knowledge to work on may more such projects.

Max Westen

7 July 2010
Max Westen
Local team/staff
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Language (Primary) Dutch
Language (Secondary) English
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Adam Jensen

7 July 2010
Local team/staff
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Ballerup Bibliotekerne
Language (Primary) Danish
Language (Secondary) English
Social information

Drupal and the Real-time web

Damien Tournoud 4 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

Leveraging NodeJS and Faye to build a scalable, fast-paced real-time web.

"The Real-Time Web is a paradigm based on pushing information to users as soon as it's available - instead of requiring that they or their software check a source periodically for updates." [source].

NodeStream - A Drupal distribution for newspapers

Dick Olsson 4 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

NodeStream is a new Drupal distribution aimed at modern newspaper sites with focus on flexible publishing.

This session will highlight some technical and architectual challenges developers are facing when building modern newspaper sites and how we solved them in NodeStream using the big four - Panels, Views, CCK and Rules. This session will also cover the integration between NodeStream and Newspilot, an editorial publishing system used by the majority of all daily newspapers in Scandinavia. The integration is built on top of the Services and Deploy modules. Finally we will talk about how we chosen to package NodeStream with the Features module, Drush Make and a custom install profile.

The Great Git Migration

Sam Boyer 4 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

Where once there was CVS, tomorrow, there shall git reside. In this session, we'll talk about what the switch is going to mean, where we are in the process, and what we need from YOU! is migrating from CVS to git. That means core and contrib, every module and every theme, every install profile - everything that was once held in CVS will be moved over to git. For the initial conversion, which we're calling phase 2, our goal is more or less 1:1 feature parity with what we do in CVS now. The big goodies will come later, in phase 3.

The importance of accessibility & Drupal's future

William Lawrence 4 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

There's been a tremendous effort in making Drupal accessible. Now what?

There's been a tremendous effort in making Drupal accessible. The primary question is, now that we've made it this far, how well does Drupal support the authoring of accessible Web content to everyone? The quality of Drupal in supporting accessible content creation is critical. It's more than marking off a checklist. It's about making that accessibility sustainable through the life cycle of that product.

Additional Presenters:  Jeff Burnz

Organising a DrupalCon

Isabell Schulz 4 July 2010
Type:  BOF session

Going through the organisation of a DrupalCon: organisational internal and external processes, decision-making processes, team of volunteers, distribution of responsibilities.

Organising a DrupalCon is just like any other project.
I will be going through the organisation of a DrupalCon illustrating and covering organisational internal and external processes, decision-making processes, managing a team of volunteers and responsibilities.

In preparation, you need to define the what, where, when, how, who and how much it costs.



  • How do you set up deadlines?
  • What are the specifications?
  • How is the communication organised?
  • How much room do you need to leave for additional development during the realisation?
  • Usability testing – doing it, sharing it, building on it

    yoroy 4 July 2010
    Type:  Not planned session

    Do you see people use Drupal? Noticing things that confuse them? UX-team would love to hear from you!

    Because the one biggest usability issue with Drupal is that there are so very many little ones.

    Goal is to lower the barrier for incremental design tweaks based on usability data.
    Lets make it easier to share user observations, get better at learning from them and use it inform Drupal design and code.

    Liberty without muskets

    Laura Scott 4 July 2010
    Type:  Not planned session

    "Give me liberty or give me closed source!"

    What is open source? A religion? A Communist conspiracy? A childish fantasy? Nay!

    Open source has been around for centuries … in science, in law, in farming. But now it has hit business and a revolution is happening. Liberty is on the rise — not because of changes in government, but rather because of changes in the commons.