This site is archived.

Decision Maker

What you need to know about User Data Protection in the EU

Type:  Not planned session

From our medical records, to search history, from Facebook, to Google Streetview, web firms now hold tremendous amounts of data of varying value about their users and the public at large. Expectations of how this data may be used and how it must be protected are significantly different between the US and the EU. What do you as web site owners, developers and citizens need to know, and where can you turn to learn more?

As more of our lives move online, a struggle is being waged behind the scenes over who owns our digital identity, our community and the digital trail we leave behind. From our medical records, to search history, from Facebook, to Google Streetview, web firms now hold tremendous amounts of data of varying value about their users and the public at large. What are the responsibilities of these entities in handling this data?

Drupal Performance Boost Solutions

Welin Welchev 4 July 2010
Type:  Session in official program

In this session we plan to share our best practices (what modules we use, hardware setupe, etc.) and explain our approach in building one of the biggest Drupal sites in Denmark, and probably worldwide

Honestly speaking, Drupal is a big out of the box system. It carries a vast amount of queries per page load, and uses quite a few MB for its PHP memory size.

Having the experience on more than 250 developed projects we pledge that Drupal performance can be vastly improved according to your website's goals. Indeed, using the right tools we always achieve the results of the Powerful CMS + Amazing Performance.

Tips and Tricks for Scalable and Stable Drupal Websites

Welin Welchev 4 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

In this session we plan to share our (Propeople) most valuable tips and tricks, to help you build exceptionally scalable and remarkable stable Drupal websites based on our experience on more than 250 developed projects.

One power-feature of Drupal is flexibility. You can take what's already made by others and create your "own" version of the system.

Having the experience on more than 250 developed projects and always exceeding our clients' highest expectations, we have identified absolutely-must-have modules fitted for different types of sites, and to benefit your customer with the full extent of this great CMS.

Also, our in-house research has shown there are many small enhancements that can make a big difference.

Welin Welchev

4 July 2010
Local team/staff
Personal information
Language (Primary) Bulgariana
Language (Secondary) English
Social information

OLPC Australia's use of Drupal & Civi-CRM

aimee maree forsstrom 4 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

You might have heard about a little laptop called Xo? One Laptop Per Child Australia will provide an overview on how they are using Drupal and Civi-CRM. This talk aims to provide an introduction to how Drupal and Civi-CRM can be utilised for management of non for profit projects.

You might have heard about a little laptop called Xo? One Laptop Per Child Australia would like to provide an overview on how they are using Drupal and Civi-CRM for online communications and managing laptop deployments. This talk aims to provide an introduction to how you can utilize Drupal and Civi-CRM for management of non for profit projects.

Drupal in the Corporate Eco-System

aimee maree forsstrom 4 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

This talk will aim to share the experience of assisting corporations with the introduction of Drupal, the needed areas of attention in the upgrade process and some hard lessons learnt on the battle fields.

Over the past two years the Drupal user base has grown to include large corporations. This talk presents experiences learnt from various projects introducing Drupal and Open Source Technologies into corporations with pre-existing environments. This discussion will be aimed at:

Case study: on NodeStream - a Drupal distribution for newspapers and magazines

Thomas Barregren 4 July 2010
Type:  Session in official program

Learn why the newspaper VF kicked out the .NET based EPiServer and chose the Drupal based NodeStream. Also see how NodeStream seamlessly integrates with editorial systems.

Christian Edwertz (business developer) and Odd Råberg (web editor) at the daily newspaper Värmlands Folkblad (VF) will tell you why they moved their on-line edition - - from the .NET based EPiServer to the Drupal based NodeStream. You will also see NodeStream demonstrated; and how seamless it can be integrated with a third-party editorial system.

Why chose NodeStream/Drupal

The Future of

Lisa Rex 3 July 2010
Type:  Session in official program is undergoing a massive change. A panel from the redesign team will discuss the redesign project. is undergoing a massive change. It's our home and playground. It's also a public face of Drupal. In this session, some of the team discuss:

  • Why needed a redesign
  • How the redesign project is also a redevelopment, and the technical challenges we face
  • What project management strategies worked, and what didn't, and what we're learning along the way
  • Why the Drupal Association had to hire people
  • Overview of our contributors

One thing is certain, this is not your typical open source project.

Additional Presenters:  Kieran Lal Todd Nienkerk Neil Drumm

short introduction of the business case of Drupal for the media industry and publisher.

JB Ingold 3 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

Why has Drupal gained such momentum in the publishing and media world?
-Sucess stories of media websites using Drupal
-Key factor of success of a Drupal project

In recent years media related organisations have expressed strong interest in Drupal. This session aims to encourage more media organisations switch to Drupal. From pure player to dead tree press, not forgetting Radio and TV more and more media are choosing Drupal, Why?

This non-technical session is designed primarily for people working in the media industry to help visualise using Drupal for their business model, it will be of interest to both internal dev teams and independent Drupal shops in this domain.

Why has Drupal gained such momentum in the publishing and media world?

On the importance of DONE: Scrum and Drupal at the Economist

Type:  Session in official program

Join Rob Purdie, ScrumMaster at the Economist, and Ezra Barnett Gildesgame, Developer at Growing Venture Solutions, as they discuss how the Economist uses Scrum to focus on completing work according to an exacting "definition of done."

Additional Presenters:  Rob Purdie