Web font, @font-face is a CSS standard to deliver the fonts real-time like images to web pages. It is gaining popularity and is supported by all major Browsers. Designers can use fonts that are located in remote server just like referencing images or video assets. It solves the problem that we must have the fonts reside on the local computer and we can use remotely located Unicode fonts that contains large collections characters and can be updated regularly and accessed by remote users instantly. SEO will be improved by implement the text in real fonts vs. images because the search engine can index/understand the actual text use in a regular fashion like h1, h2 and .headline etc.
We have developed a module to enable the content with web fonts and the module also comes with a WYSIWYG editor with web fonts which can be selected by individual Drupal publisher. Users can design their site with renown fonts for branding, SEO and help vision impaired (fonts can be read by vision aid devices)
We will talk about the Web Font API used in our module so developers can integrate the Web Fonts to their modules and content.
Web font, @font-face is a CSS standard to deliver the fonts real-time like images to web pages. It is gaining popularity and is supported by all major Browsers. Designers can use fonts that are located in remote server just like referencing images or video assets. It solves the problem that we must have the fonts reside on the local computer and we can use remotely located Unicode fonts that contains large collections characters and can be updated regularly and accessed by remote users instantly. SEO will be improved by implement the text in real fonts vs.
Web professional since 1999, as a designer, builder, technical writer and QA/product analyst. Current focus is on user experience design and Drupal site building.
Contributions to the Drupal community include co-project managing the drupal.org redesign, assistant organizer of Drupal Design Camp Boston (2009 and 2010). and some D7 UI text / help patches/patch reviews.
Lisa joined Growing Venture Solutions in June.
Other interests include baking, good food, being outside, and historical nerdery, particularly visiting historic houses/sites, genealogy, and collecting old maps.