This site is archived.


Drupal as the enterprise information hub

Hernâni Freitas 4 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

For organizations, knowledge and inovation are the keys to make the
difference. However managing what a company knows and what is going on
inside and outside the firm is truly challenging when every one is envolved.
Using Drupal as our basestone, we were able of enroll 600
collaborators from dozens of teams of a Multinational Telecom Company in Portugal to document
what they know, to capture and broadcast their daily activity and to
show to every team and every team member what is important for them,
wherever they want and whenever they want!

Enterprise knowledge management has been the focus of many software
products in the last decade. However most of these products have
proven to fail on capturing everyone's inputs and on customizing the
information in order to meet people's constant requirements.

Drupal allows users with different roles to create rich contents
with defined properties. These contents give shape to a big infomation
cloud, in which users can categorize them using either the organization's language
(taxonomy) or their personal one (tags). This categorization

The Open, Social Web in Real-time

James Walker 4 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

The social web continues to grow, and sites like Twitter and Facebook have (at times) shown the power of bringing the the conversation real-time. But we can do better! These networks should be open and federated!

In this session, we'll look at why depending on Twitter and Facebook (or similar) has serious drawbacks; the network should be open and federated! We'll look at OStatus (, the completely open protocol that we've been working to develop and promote at StatusNet ( for real-time, federated public messaging and we'll see why it's interesting (and important) for Drupal.

This session is for open protocol geeks, freedom fighters and anyone who is just trying figure out what it all means.

Designing an Open-Source Internet Curriculum with Drupal Gardens: Sharing our Dominican Republic Pilot Program experience

claudina sarahe 4 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

Sharing the results of ThinkDrop's Pilot Program to introduce open-source technology and Drupal to children living in less-advantaged communities, helping them overcome the hurdles that prevent them from openly accessing and sharing information.

June 2010 we took a bold leap as a new company and decided to spend part our summer developing an Open-Source Internet Curriculum. We partnered with COSOLA-MACILE, a non-profit organization focused on K-12 education in less advantaged communities.

In July, we are travelling to Itabo, Dominican Republic to teach 6th-12th grade students and teachers about the Internet, Open-Source technology and Drupal, using Drupal Gardens as the primary teaching tool. The Pilot Program will run for approximately 2-weeks as an after school program open to interested MACILE participants.

Ubercart Development Roadmap, Drupal 7 and Beyond

Andy_Lowe 4 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

Ubercart has been ported to Drupal 7 and we are adding features while waiting for Drupal 7 to be released. In this session we hope to build a community consensus on which features to implement in which order. Topics include fieldable products and orders, Rules and Views integration, and any suggestions from the audience.

Ubercart has been ported to Drupal 7 and feature development is in full swing. In this session we will discuss the current road map and future plans for Ubercart on Drupal 7 and 8. We welcome suggestions from the community and will ask for guidance in the order of implementation. Topics will include:

Replacing Conditinal Actions with Rules: Complete
Namespacing functions: Complete
AHAH forms: Mostly complete
Theming improvements:
Fields for Orders:
Fields for Products:
Products as an entity separate from nodes:
Tax improvements:
Addresses standards:
Address book:

Integrating agile with Drupal

Dustin Currie 4 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

Integrating agile with Drupal

Panel on integrating agile with Drupal

Placeholder copy. Will fill out shortly.

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Git Fundamentals

Sam Boyer 4 July 2010
Type:  Session in official program

RIP CVS - Drupal is going git! This session will cover the fundamentals you'll need to know in order to work with git. We'll do basic git instruction, then move on into additional information and techniques that'll make working with the new git infrastructure a breeze.

RIP CVS - Drupal is going git! This session will cover the fundamentals you'll need to know in order to work with git. We'll do basic git instruction, then move on into additional information and techniques that'll make working with the new git infrastructure a breeze. Whether you're a maintainer, contributor, or just use Drupal at your work, this session will give you a working knowledge of how git and drupal fit together.

Developing Community Websites with Drupal

Ronald Ashri 4 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

This session aims to demonstrate how to build a community website in Drupal. Combining modules such as Groups and Activty with Views and CCK to get from vanilla Drupal installation to sophisticated community website. We talk about what works, what perhaps should but doesn't quite and what is coming in the future. A session for anyone considering to built a community website with Drupal.

Drupal has long been touted as a system that provides the necessary "plumbing" to build community-oriented websites. However, it is not immediately obvious, even to developers with some experience how one gets from a vanilla Drupal installation to creating a sophisticated community with complex interactions and different types of users.

Additional Presenters:  John Griffin

Developing with Drupal - Optimize your development enviroment!

Michael Priest 4 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

A developer environment is a personal thing. There is no one perfect setup, but I'm going to recommend a number of different tools available to optimize your Drupal development. By the end of the session you will have a much broader knowledge of the tools available to help you be successful developing with Drupal!

A developer environment is a personal thing. There is no one perfect setup, but I'm going to recommend a number of different tools available to optimize your Drupal development. Developers and themers will get the most out of this session.

IDE – E.g. Zend Studio, Eclipse, NetBeans.
Browser Plugins – E.g. Firebug.
Tips and Tricks – Logical steps to solve Drupal related problems.
Modules – E.g. coder and devel modules.
Deployment – How to get your code from development to production.
Management – Tracking tasks is an essential part of development.

Accelerate your web sites with Varnish

Thomas Barregren 4 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

Learn how to install, configure and monitoring Varnish Cache - an increasingly popular reverse proxy cache that accelerates content-heavy dynamic web sites.

Varnish is a reverse proxy cache. It accelerate your web site by caching responses from your web server and thereby offloading Drupal. Varnish is a modern solution outperforming its competing products by as much as twenty times. That is the reason for its increasing popularity as web accelerator.


This session is for anyone who is not afraid to manage Linux servers, but who has not yet looked into Varnish.

What you will learn

In this session you will learn:

  • What Varnish is.
  • When to use Varnish.

See Through Their Eyes: How to Anticipate The Needs of Your Clients

Stuart Broz 4 July 2010
Type:  Session in official program

If you build Drupal sites for others, you've run into differences in vision. Your understanding of a client's needs might be imperfect. A client might make assumptions about what Drupal can easily do and not mention major functionality that they are expecting. This session will concentrate on helping you see achieve a shared vision. This will increase both your efficiency and your client's satisfaction.

This session will focus on opening your mind to the point of view of your clients. Whether you are working for a non-profit, a corporation, or your mom... we will cover some tricks that will help you understand what they want even if they can't explain it to you in Drupalspeak.

Ultimately, the aim of this session is to help you build skills that will enable you to understand your client's desires. Your clients get the Drupal site that they want. Your save time and energy (and money and aggravation) while you build it. This leaves both you and your client happy.