Not planned session
World’s most advanced Editor is designed to give the user a complete new experience when editing a website, wiki or blog. It can load 10x faster than existing technologies and offers unprecedented opportunities.
Easier. Better. Faster.
You can edit the website content as you see it. You do not need to save or preview to see how your text will look like on the final website. You can see the real changes the right moment you type. You do not need to log into a backend to edit any text. You edit on the actual frontend website. You neither do have to load a rich text editor. Just edit right ahead. You still do have all capabilities advanced rich text editors offers.
=Aloha Editor. The HTML5 Editor.=
World’s most advanced Editor is designed to give the user a complete new experience when editing a website, wiki, blog or any other content. I can be 3x faster than existing technologies and offers offers unprecedented opportunities.
===Many tried WYSIWYG and did not achieve. We succeeded.===