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Project Manager

Teaching Drupal

Type:  Session in official program

You know how to use Drupal but do you know how to teach others to use it? We'll define a method for showing clients how to use the tools we build without freaking them out.

You know how to use Drupal. You know how to write code, build a theme, and SEO a site. But do you know how to teach others to use Drupal? For every site we create there are clients who must use it, many don't know a node from a block. After this session, you will be able to introduce clients to Drupal without freaking them out.

We'll cover:



  • Defining "need to know" and emphasizing main concepts
  • Thinking like a user, talking like a mentor
  • Using normal words with a sprinkling of Drupalese
  • Mark Davies

    9 June 2010
    Local team/staff
    Personal information
    Ixis IT
    United Kingdom
    Language (Primary) English
    Social information

    Karsten Frohwein

    9 June 2010
    Local team/staff
    Personal information
    Language (Primary) German
    Language (Secondary) English
    Social information

    I run a Drupal Shop in Hamburg germany and actively support the german drupal community. All my other hobbies vanished as I have Drupal now ;)

    Mike Carter

    9 June 2010
    Local team/staff
    Personal information
    United Kingdom
    Language (Primary) English
    Language (Secondary) Slovak
    Social information

    Director and lead developer at Ixis IT. Previous roles as a developer at Aspen Technology Intl., Phone People, and Personal Medical Advisor.

    • Project manager and lead developer for national mobile phone retailer EPOS project.
    • Overseeing the successful development and support for large UK entities such as Epilepsy UK, the Police, and the NHS.

    Been loving the Drupal for the past 6 years now, since Drupal 4.6! Maintainer to modules on, and many sites in production for clients and personal.

    Check out and both built in house.

    Send Targeted & Personalized mails with Views Send

    Claudiu Cristea 8 June 2010
    Type:  Not planned session

    Wanna send nice personalized messages from Drupal to a fine tuned list? Find out how you can do this with Views Send. Views Send allow sending mass mailing using Views Bulk Operations.

    Here comes Views Send! Views Send allow sending mass mailing using Views Bulk Operations.

    Migrating 70+ websites into a single Drupal codebase: pitfalls and challenges

    Chris Mavergames 8 June 2010
    Type:  Not planned session

    A quick recap of the approach we used to replace our proprietary web builder system with Drupal for 70+ websites

    A brief (bullet points) description of how one, large non-profit organisation approached the migration of 70+ websites site into a single Drupal codebase in a hosted environment (Cloud Sites platform in Rackspace Cloud). Architecture, technology and strategy will be discussed including a brief description of the top 2 or 3 pitfalls/challenges we faced/still face in the way we are using Drupal.

    Do more than publish video on the web... run a TV channel with Drupal

    Kevin Reynen 8 June 2010
    Type:  Not planned session

    The Open Media Project is a collection of modules developed by the Open Media Foundation with funding from the Knight Foundation. It allows viewers to run an actual TV channel. That's right! Drupal users determine what airs on TV in several US cities. Think of it as sharing the remote of a TiVo with hundreds of your neighbors via Fivestar and Voting API. The modules developed for the Open Media Project include everything from encoding, Creative Commons licensing, metadata, and managing equipment checkouts.

    This session has 2 goals: 1) Demonstrate how the Open Media modules extend Drupal to allow users to do everything from reserving cameras and studios, submitting broadcast quality video, and rating those videos to determine what airs on TV in several US cities. 2) Describe the some of the steps taken to develop the culture of collaboration that continues to drive the project beyond the initial $380,000 Knight NewsChallenge grant.

    Diricia de Wet

    7 June 2010
    Local team/staff
    Personal information
    South Africa
    Language (Primary) Afrikaans
    Language (Secondary) English
    Social information

    Sören Andersson

    7 June 2010
    Sören Andersson
    Local team/staff
    Personal information
    Language (Primary) Swedish
    Language (Secondary) English
    Social information

    I´m working as technical developer at MediaCity since 2002. At MediaCity I am technically responsible for our User Experience lab. If you want to read more about our user experience lab you can visit .

    I have also been working inside different web projects since the beginning of 2000 and the last half year i've been looking into drupal how we can integrate drupal into our web projects at MediaCity. Looking forward to meet other drupalists at drupalcon

    Joachim Majors

    7 June 2010
    Joachim "Jocki" Majors
    Local team/staff
    Personal information
    Language (Primary) Swedish
    Language (Secondary) English
    Social information

    Working as a planner for MediaCity in Finland with focus on user experience.