Web professional since 1999, as a designer, builder, technical writer and QA/product analyst. Current focus is on user experience design and Drupal site building.
Contributions to the Drupal community include co-project managing the drupal.org redesign, assistant organizer of Drupal Design Camp Boston (2009 and 2010). and some D7 UI text / help patches/patch reviews.
Lisa joined Growing Venture Solutions in June.
Other interests include baking, good food, being outside, and historical nerdery, particularly visiting historic houses/sites, genealogy, and collecting old maps.
Too many Drupal projects are not finished on time or on schedule. Why not?
In this session an industry expert will deal the straight dope on the current state of and future prospects for Drupal projects.
Drupal and most web content management systems have been with us for around a decade, prompting the vendors, trade press and analyst firms alike to call this a "mature" and "consolidating" market. However, the truth is that both buyers and consultants are still figuring out how to obtain the value they expected from the immature tools, including Drupal, and young marketplace.
Jacob Singh is a Principal Engineer with Acquia building the DrupalGardens (hosted Drupal 7) service. Previously he founded the search line of business at Acquia leading to the Acquia Search product. Before that, we was a tech lead at CivicActions LLC for two years culminating in leading the team which re-built the web presence of Amnesty International (http://amnesty.org).
Johan Falk works with Drupal trainig, documentation, pre-sales and development at NodeOne, the leading Swedish Drupal provider. He is also manager for the Swedish Drupal group, where he writes guides, posts screencasts and answer questions for newbies and advanced Drupal users.