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Project Manager

Connecting to the Web of Data: Using Drupal’s Semantic Web modules

Lin Clark 3 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

Bring in data from other sites—Wikipedia content, New York Times historical contnet, and much more—and expose your site’s information for others to reuse. With the Semantic Web, you can use the Web as your CMS.

Bring in data from other sites—Wikipedia content, New York Times historical contnet, and much more—and expose your site’s information for others to reuse. With the Semantic Web, you can use the Web as your CMS.

In this session, we will demonstrate how you can use the power of the Semantic Web to expose your site’s information and reuse information from other sites. We will also provide links as we go along to screencasts we have produced to guide you step-by-step in setting up the modules.

Topics covered:
Getting your content ready for reuse using RDF UI and SPARQL Endpoint

Additional Presenters:  scor

Introduction to the Semantic Web and RDF in Drupal 7

Lin Clark 3 July 2010
Type:  Session in official program

Drupal is leading the way by being the first major CMS to embrace the Semantic Web technologies such as RDF. Get an introduction to the Semantic Web, used on many Web sites as part of Facebook’s Open Graph protocol and by major companies like Google, Yahoo!, New York Times, & the BBC, and get an intro to Drupal's core SemWeb functionality.

Drupal is leading the way by being the first major CMS to embrace the Semantic Web technologies such as RDF. Restricted to the academic world for many years, these technologies have matured with time up to the point of being used by new standards like Facebook’s Open Graph protocol and major companies like Google, Yahoo!, New York Times, BBC, etc. Over the years, there has been multiple attempts to integrate RDF and Drupal with many contributed modules like Relationship, Semantic Search or FOAF.

Additional Presenters:  scor

How to Manage Your Cloud by Drupal

Yas Naoi 3 July 2010
Type:  Session in official program

We are happy to introduce our Virtual Infra Manager, including its use case, architecture and design. We would like to show how Drupal can define to manage multiple Cloud infrastructures and why Drupal can be used as Web Application Framework.

We are working on building Hybrid Cloud for research and development purpose. Our project goal is to realize managing not only Public Cloud but also Private Cloud by developing operations even easier. We are managing Amazon EC2, and our Private Cloud by making our own Cloud management tool by Drupal, which we call Virtual Infra Manager beyond Drupal as a Content Management System. --- Drupal as a fundamental of PaaS (Platform as a Service)

Build your own in Drupal

Scott Reynen 3 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

Every advocacy group has a website about their campaign, but what they need is a campaign that actually happens online. An effective website should offer volunteers ways to truly participate in shaping public opinion through online and offline interactions. And Drupal can make this possible.

We’ll show you how to quickly create a netroots-style website to mobilize volunteers to take specific actions to support an issue - political or otherwise.

Using a collection of Drupal modules, campaign advocates will be able to:

Additional Presenters:  Jon Clark

Barry Madore

3 July 2010
Barry Madore
Local team/staff
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Advantage Labs
United States
Language (Primary) English
Social information

Barry has been enthusiastically involved in the Drupal community for the past 4 years primarily as a member of the team at Advantage Labs in Minneapolis, MN.

Their primary focus is to provide a sustainable platform for managed Drupal hosting, training and community participation, and to continue to support the development of Drupal modules for Mail, CRM, Geospatial and community engagement solutions.

Drupal and the semantic web

Kristof Van Tomme 2 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

Want to find out why all the geeks are so excited about that four letter word (RDFa) that's now supposed to be in Drupal 7 core?

As of Drupal 7 we'll have RDFa markup in core, in this session I will:

  • explain what the implications are of this and why this matters
  • give a short introduction to the Semantic web, RDF, RDFa and SPARQL in human language
  • give a short overview of the RDF modules that are available in contrib
  • talk about some of the potential use cases of all these magical technologies

Slides for a former incarnation of this presentation are up at:

Drupal project management tools: time to build our own dogfood

Kristof Van Tomme 2 July 2010
Type:  Session in official program

Are you still not using Drupal to manage your projects? Since July 2009 excuses are running thin. And if Open Atrium didn’t do everything you ever expected from your project management system, it’s about time that we join forces and build our own dog food.

Are you still not using Drupal to manage your projects? Since July 2009 excuses are running thin. And if Open Atrium didn’t do everything you ever expected from your project management system, it’s about time that we join forces and build our own dog food.

In this session I’ll present a review of Drupal built tools for project management. You'll get an introduction to Open Atrium and the tools we developed for Knowledge and Project management in Open Atrium.

Learning Drupal the fun way: Drupal games!

Kristof Van Tomme 2 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

What to experience the awesomeness that is the Drupal way? Come play the Drupal game...

“The Drupal way”: a set of behaviours that make you a good community player and that lets you maximize your sites built/kittens killed ratio is one of those things that a lot of people only learn to appreciate the hard way. In this session you’ll play a game that teaches you some of these values, cause some messages will only stick if you've experienced them.

It’s generally accepted that serious games are way more effective tools for providing learning experiences that aim to change the behavior of a group of participants.

Drupal-ecology: how to stay relevant in a fast evolving eco-system

Kristof Van Tomme 2 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

You thought evolution under environmental presure, symbiosis, neural networks, hive mechanics and religion have nothing to do with Drupal? I've got news for you...

Drupal is only in the second place an open source software. In the first place it’s a collective of humans, more so than most other softwares. As a result we can recognize both in the code and the community patterns that are also present in biological systems and ecologies.

Cécile Muller

2 July 2010
Local team/staff
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Language (Primary) French
Language (Secondary) English
Social information