This site is archived.


See Through Their Eyes: How to Anticipate The Needs of Your Clients

Stuart Broz 4 July 2010
Type:  Session in official program

If you build Drupal sites for others, you've run into differences in vision. Your understanding of a client's needs might be imperfect. A client might make assumptions about what Drupal can easily do and not mention major functionality that they are expecting. This session will concentrate on helping you see achieve a shared vision. This will increase both your efficiency and your client's satisfaction.

This session will focus on opening your mind to the point of view of your clients. Whether you are working for a non-profit, a corporation, or your mom... we will cover some tricks that will help you understand what they want even if they can't explain it to you in Drupalspeak.

Ultimately, the aim of this session is to help you build skills that will enable you to understand your client's desires. Your clients get the Drupal site that they want. Your save time and energy (and money and aggravation) while you build it. This leaves both you and your client happy.

Advanced Site Building Module

Welin Welchev 4 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

We (Propeople) have been working hard on a concept for Site Buidling and we think we now have a module that is well-tested, stable and ready to be shared with the Drupal community.

Architecturing the way content editor will be able to manage the content on their site is one of the most important parts of building a web site.

Theme Preprocess Functions: an Introduction

Carl Wiedemann 4 July 2010
Type:  Session in official program

How many times has this happened to you: You're theming a Drupal site, writing your CSS and making a few changes to the tpl files here and there. Everything is going great, then suddenly you realize you need to change one of those things that starts with a "$" inside those funny-looking <?php ?> tags. Panic!

All your HTML are Belong to us #2.5 Revenge of the Markup

mortendk 4 July 2010
Type:  Session in official program

Drupal comes with a lot(!) of predefined markup & css.
Modules are adding styles and markup to the themes and so themers have limited control over whats going on inside the theme - that works well for some themers - others not so much.. or to put in other words:

Drupal comes with a lot(!) of predefined markup & css.
Modules are adding styles and markup to the themes and so themers have limited control over whats going on inside the theme - that works well for some themers - others not so much.. or to put in other words:

"WTF does all this bib markup do in my bib site - aaargh for >>--bib--<< sake, Gimme lean mean mother >>--bib--<< 'ing markup"

This session is all about controlling and cleaning up the markup.

Awesomeness redefined: Drupal7 Theming

mortendk 4 July 2010
Type:  Session in official program

Drupal7 is coming sooner than we know it, and its pretty awesome (whos surpriced?) This session will be a gentle walkthrough of the new things that any themer needs to know

Drupal7 is coming sooner than we know it, and its pretty awesome (whos surpriced?) This session will be a gentle walkthrough of the new things that any themer needs to know

Ugly be gone

    • what happend to all the pretty themes
  • New themes both front & back

logic welcome to drupal

  • ...oooh gasp, so the css naming will make sence
  • blocks, variables & names that make even more sence - wow!
  • what changed?

tiplphiphs Rules and new awesome stuff

  • what where and why did somebody changed that?
Additional Presenters:  Jen Simmons

The Future of

Lisa Rex 3 July 2010
Type:  Session in official program is undergoing a massive change. A panel from the redesign team will discuss the redesign project. is undergoing a massive change. It's our home and playground. It's also a public face of Drupal. In this session, some of the team discuss:

  • Why needed a redesign
  • How the redesign project is also a redevelopment, and the technical challenges we face
  • What project management strategies worked, and what didn't, and what we're learning along the way
  • Why the Drupal Association had to hire people
  • Overview of our contributors

One thing is certain, this is not your typical open source project.

Additional Presenters:  Kieran Lal Todd Nienkerk Neil Drumm

On the importance of DONE: Scrum and Drupal at the Economist

Type:  Session in official program

Join Rob Purdie, ScrumMaster at the Economist, and Ezra Barnett Gildesgame, Developer at Growing Venture Solutions, as they discuss how the Economist uses Scrum to focus on completing work according to an exacting "definition of done."

Additional Presenters:  Rob Purdie

Customizing Drupal (without killing kittens)

Florian Loretan 3 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

A few recipes for simple and clean customizations for those willing to peek into a few lines of PHP code.

For any kind of Drupal website, it happens very often that existing modules get you 90% of the way but you still need some customizations to get things looking and working exactly the way you want. Not a brand new module, just some site-specific adaptations that get you to 100% of what you want.

Community/Social Networking Website toward a fully functional prepackaged product / SAS based on Drupal ?

JB Ingold 3 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

In the Drupal community, we see more and more « product » (like openatrium, openpublish) but nothing in the former « core bussiness » of Drupal : community website and social networking website where as
- Ning is offering a service to lauch a community in 30 second or so
- WordPress 3.0 include BuddyPress opensource package ready to go in 6 minutes.
We lack a social platform ready to use (as service or as installation profile) based on Drupal.
In Drupal community we see more and more « product » (like openatrium, openpublish) but nothing in the former « core business » of Drupal : community website and social networking website.
-Ning have drooped their free services but are still having some success with a promise of no-admin service ready to use in 30 seconds.

Drupal Mobiliser — Mobile Web Overview

Philipp Schaffner 3 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

Everyone wants to go mobile. Apart from Web 3.0, this is one of the most exciting topics in the applied ICT/Web environment. The problem is: how do I get a proper overview! This session guides participants into the versatile mobile web world:

Theory part:
• What is the .mobi-TLD (Top Level Domain)? What is it good for? Why the extra TLD?
• How to get a 20-minute-overview with the ‚dotMobi Mobile Web Developer’s Guide‘.
• Brief excursion into the jungle of online-tools:,,,, ...
• The developer community (realised with Drupal).

Practical part: