Project manager, music profesional, web-enthusiast, Drupalista, City art planner and former politician.
Sectors: Public sector, Music, Arts, Communication, experience economy.
Project management, webdesign, web communication, digital strategies for musicians, music, production of music, cultural industries, experience economy, popular culture, city planning and city cultures.
* Project manager and web communication at JazzDanmark
* Owner at Forxnaltevir
Debugging is fun and profitable if you have the right strategies, techniques, and tools in hand. Successful debugging includes strategies that will make you successful, techniques that let you pinpoint the problem, and tools that make you productive.This session will cover all three, and then as a bonus will show you how to set up the free Eclipse IDE for step debugging in Drupal on any platform.
There are bugs in every piece of software, and Drupal is no exception, and your site is no exception either. You just have to be prepared to deal with the bugs. Learn effective strategies to approach them, handy techniques to find them, and get your tools set up and mastered.
A graduate of Media Technology and Production from the University of Bradford in 2000, Matt initially worked as a senior designer and web developer, then went on to set up his own Film Production company. He then went on to head up a successful web company team for three years prior to founding Panoetic. Matt has been working with Drupal for over 4 years. His role within Panoetic is Creative Director with particular interests in IA and UX.
Development of Open Source, Open Social webapplications. Development and marketing of cutting edge websites. My open, modern view on the business, in combination with over 13 years of webdevelopment experience can help you get your website out there!
The *nix command line interface (CLI) is a powerful tool but can be a bit daunting if you've never used one before. Here is an introduction to explain what is going on and get comfortable with the basics you need to be a command line rockstar.
This session will introduce you to the wonderful and powerful tool of working from a *nix command line interface (CLI) instead of using a GUI (pointy-clicky). This is targeted at folks who've never opened a terminal before, but will cover a number of tips and tricks along the way. We'll even show you how Windows users can get the same CLI that Linux and Mac users use, so you can use it too!
Main points we'll cover:
- Huh? What is this thing? How do I get one?
- Moving around (both locally and accessing a remote server)
- Creating and editing files
- Searching
I'm Drupal Lead and Project Architect for Team Drupal at Torchbox Ltd. Torchbox is an independently-owned web design and development company based in Oxfordshire, providing high-quality, cost-effective solutions for clients who come primarily, but not exclusively, from the charity, NGO and public sectors. Team Drupal is dedicated to building, improving and maintaining innovative Drupal websites for those sectors.
You know how to use Drupal but do you know how to teach others to use it? We'll define a method for showing clients how to use the tools we build without freaking them out.
You know how to use Drupal. You know how to write code, build a theme, and SEO a site. But do you know how to teach others to use Drupal? For every site we create there are clients who must use it, many don't know a node from a block. After this session, you will be able to introduce clients to Drupal without freaking them out.
We'll cover:
Defining "need to know" and emphasizing main concepts