Lin Clark is a Master's student at the Digital Enterprise Research Institute of NUI Galway, Ireland, where she is researching the integration of Semantic Web technologies in Content Management Systems. She is a Drupal core contributor and was a contributor to the RDF in Drupal 7 initiative. She is currently working on a Google Summer of Code project that enables site admins to query RDF data with Views.
Part-time student of Graphic and interactive communications with 4 years experiences in multimedia design. I am now a freelance designer focusing on Drupal design and theme development .
Currently looking for a possible job opportunities as a freelancer.
* Designing websites and Web applications (information architecture, visual design)
* HTML/CSS coding by standards
* Front-end for rich UX (jQuery, Flash)
* Theming for Drupal (developing custom themes)
* Drupal site building (using contributed modules)