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The Case for Recipes: Open Sourcing Your Process

Providing Professional Drupal Services

The Case for Recipes: Open Sourcing Your Process

45 minutes (+15 minutes Q&A)



You know when you're doing it wrong. When you're staying up all night trying to figure out what your next steps are, what you should have known three weeks ago about this particular project, and when you just don't know who does what. But you're pretty sure that everyone else doesn't have these particular problems, because they're doing so well!

This is probably wrong.

We're all doing it wrong, in one way or another, and we're all working through various learning curves. So in the spirit of our open source community, let's talk about making our businesses better. This session will go through the main pain points for development shops, what's already out there for Drupal-specific development shops, what's available, and where we're going. There will be examples, there will be open sourced process documentation, and there will be more than just project management talk.
