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Did all that SEO Module stuff I just did work?

SEO Toolkit in action
Providing Professional Drupal Services

Did all that SEO Module stuff I just did work?

45 minutes (+15 minutes Q&A)



Drupal has a comprehensive collection of modules for optimizing sites, including the SEO Checklist. After you’ve checked the last item on the checklist you are going to want to know if everything worked and if there is anything else you can do. To help with this there is a free tool created by Microsoft that you can run to see what a search engine sees when it looks at your sites.

The SEO Toolkit is a free tool that comes with an SEO Analyzer, Robots.txt and Sitemap editor. The Analysis tool is a crawler that will analyze your site and checks for nearly 50 of the most common SEO rules. It also provides Performance reports, Content reports and Links reports to help you identify areas of your site that also impact SEO. The SEO Toolkit also has some great other features and can be completely customized to suit any specific SEO rules you use to give your sites that extra edge and save you time and money in helping you provide SEO services to your customers.
