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The Drupal Process - Great Projects, No Slavery Required

Vesa Palmu 23 June 2010
Type:  Session in official program

We have a look at different project management frameworks and why some of them work and some don't in Drupal projects. This session is good for both professional service providers and customers looking to hire one.

After working some 15 years with web projects I have been both service provider and customer for a large number of different projects. I've seen and tried number of different methods how to run web projects. After both success and failure I have come to realize that agile scrum can fail just as easily as traditional waterfall models do when dealing with Drupal projects.

Highlighting trending content on your site

Joonas Kiminki 22 June 2010
Type:  Not planned session

Displaying trending content is important to any site. Luckily for Drupal, we have the perfect tool – the Radioactivity module. In this session we will walk through the most common and even the more innovative use cases for the tool. By the end of this session, you will ace all the various settings and scenarios.

The State of Drupal As a Web Application & Product Platform

Irakli Nadareishvili 22 June 2010
Type:  Not planned session

While Drupal is usually thought of in terms of CMS for web sites, many companies and Drupal shops are starting to use the framework to build web applications/products. This panel will look at some of the products being built on Drupal and will discuss the potential of the business model, from the perspective of Drupal Shops looking to expand beyond a strictly service based business as well as from the vantage point of businesses who are looking for a platform to build their products with.

While Drupal is usually thought of in terms of CMS for web sites, many companies and Drupal shops are starting to use the framework to build web applications/products. This panel will look at some of the products being built on Drupal and will discuss the potential of the business model, from the perspective of Drupal Shops looking to expand beyond a strictly service based business as well as from the vantage point of businesses who are looking for a platform to build their products with.

A panel representing leading Drupal-based products, will discuss topics that include:



Additional Presenters:  Chris Brookins David Strauss Eric Gundersen

Drupal 7: What you need to know

Angela Byron 22 June 2010
Type:  Session in official program

Come learn about the new changes coming down the pipe in Drupal 7 from the release co-maintainer!

Since February 2008, the community has been hard at work on Drupal 7, which is rapidly nearing completion (or possibly already complete ;)). This revolutionary new release sports literally hundreds of improvements, and Angela Byron, the Drupal 7 co-maintainer, will lead you through the most important ones and how they'll impact your future site building endeavors.

A love connection: Drupal & Ubuntu

Rubén Romero 19 June 2010
Type:  Not planned session

Learn how the Ubuntu Community and its ecosystem connect and spread their love for Free and Open Source Software using just that, Drupal and Ubuntu. It's everywhere:, LoCo sites, SpreadUbuntu, and many others.

With the incredible success of Ubuntu around the world, the LoCo project helps groups of Ubuntu fans and enthusiasts to work together in regional teams to help advocate, promote, translate, develop and otherwise improve Ubuntu.

This session focuses on how the Ubuntu Community makes use of Drupal everywhere: From through most Local Community sites worldwide and to the Ubuntu Marketing site SpreadUbuntu, we use Drupal to spread the message of Open Source Freedom. And we want to share this know-how with everyone!

Drupal Rights and Responsibilities

Ken Rickard 19 June 2010
Type:  Session in official program

Drupal is an open-source collaborative software development platform. To build and maintain a sustainable Drupal project, individuals and organizations need to understand the social contract that keeps our community thriving.

Working with Drupal brings the power of its community to work for you. But it also involves you in that community in ways that you might not expect. We'll cover some of the hidden costs of bringing Drupal into your organization, plus the resources you will need in order to keep your project sustainable.

This will feature lively panel discussion covering best practices for Drupal contributions maintainers and the rights and responsibilities of Drupal users.

Topics that we will cover:

* What are the rights and responsibilities of Open-Source developers?

Make performance a non-issue with Varnish

perbu 19 June 2010
Type:  Not planned session

Instead of focusing all your energy on tuning Drupal, PHP and MySQL you can easily just add coating of Varnish on Drupal and you'll have solved your problems forever.

Varnish Cache is a web accelerator, also known as a caching reverse proxy or a HTTP accelerator.

This talk focuses on what Varnish does, how Varnish achieves its performance levels, its architecture and future development. Experiences from applying Varnish to (a trac site) and (Drupal 6 Pressflow) is presented.

Pro-active Selenium testing with Drupal

J-P Stacey 18 June 2010
Type:  Not planned session

Want to get robust tests for your site running NOW, but don't know how? Selenium needs no PHP or Drupal chops and you can write tests by just clicking around the site.

Selenium is a testing framework which allows anyone - developers, designers, project managers or the client - to record user journeys in their browser and have those user journeys be replayable on anyone else's browser. It also supports whole suites of tests, automating in the browser and automating outside the browser using a dedicated testing server.

Selenium's a great choice for Drupal testing because so much of the functionality you or your client will want to build is browser-based. Also, with a few extra tweaks, Drupal can integrate very nicely with Selenium to produce robust tests.

Imaginary users can save your Drupal site

J-P Stacey 18 June 2010
Type:  Session in official program

User personas - fake users everyone has a hand in fleshing out - can ensure your site's functionality and usability and speed up feature launch

Drupal lends itself well to modular, separately deployable code. This means you can often reduce quite large Drupal-based projects to sets of minimum deployable features (MDFs) - informally speaking, chunks of functionality which get a particular job done, and don't look weird on their own - which quickly start to take shape as Drupal development plans.

Additional Presenters:  Rich Middleditch

The State of Drupal

Dries Buytaert 18 June 2010
Type:  Session in official program

Dries Buytaert will give his bi-annual State of Drupal talk in the beginning of DrupalCon Copenhagen, where he’ll discuss where Drupal is and where it is going.

Dries Buytaert will give his bi-annual State of Drupal talk in the beginning of DrupalCon Copenhagen, where he’ll discuss where Drupal is and where it is going. In particular, he’ll discuss the final preparations for the release of Drupal 7, the redesign, and some of the initial plans for Drupal 8.