This site is archived.


Accelerate your web sites with Varnish

Thomas Barregren 4 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

Learn how to install, configure and monitoring Varnish Cache - an increasingly popular reverse proxy cache that accelerates content-heavy dynamic web sites.

Varnish is a reverse proxy cache. It accelerate your web site by caching responses from your web server and thereby offloading Drupal. Varnish is a modern solution outperforming its competing products by as much as twenty times. That is the reason for its increasing popularity as web accelerator.


This session is for anyone who is not afraid to manage Linux servers, but who has not yet looked into Varnish.

What you will learn

In this session you will learn:

  • What Varnish is.
  • When to use Varnish.

Ubercart for Beginners

uberchic 4 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

A basic overview of Ubercart 2.x for Drupal 6.x.

Will cover products configuration, catalog, shipping, payment systems, and basic store creation. A full walk through.

If there's something you really want to have more information on, or have been struggling with, please comment, and I will try to make sure it is one of the points I address in the presentation.

See Through Their Eyes: How to Anticipate The Needs of Your Clients

Stuart Broz 4 July 2010
Type:  Session in official program

If you build Drupal sites for others, you've run into differences in vision. Your understanding of a client's needs might be imperfect. A client might make assumptions about what Drupal can easily do and not mention major functionality that they are expecting. This session will concentrate on helping you see achieve a shared vision. This will increase both your efficiency and your client's satisfaction.

This session will focus on opening your mind to the point of view of your clients. Whether you are working for a non-profit, a corporation, or your mom... we will cover some tricks that will help you understand what they want even if they can't explain it to you in Drupalspeak.

Ultimately, the aim of this session is to help you build skills that will enable you to understand your client's desires. Your clients get the Drupal site that they want. Your save time and energy (and money and aggravation) while you build it. This leaves both you and your client happy.

15 Modules to help you build a community website.

Adrien Baumann 4 July 2010
Type:  Session in official program

A quick overview of 15 modules to help you turn your drupal website into an interactive and user-friendly community platform.

In this session we would like to share our experience and talk about 15 contributed modules (pros, cons, needed tweaks, interaction with each other, ...) that helped us build the community part of the french news website

Here is the list of modules we will be talking about.
- Messaging
- Private Message
- Notifications
- Activity
- Facebook Status
- Profile Privacy
- Profile Complete Percent
- Content Profile
- Avatar Selection
- User Relationship
- User Workflow
- Flags
- Organic Groups
- Weblinks
- Shorten

Additional Presenters:  Sandrine Sibel Demircan Frédéric G. MARAND

A method for getting early estimates right

Jakob Persson 4 July 2010
Type:  Session in official program

Almost all clients who approach your agency about a project want to know up front what the total cost will be. They hand you some loose notes and expect a fixed number of hours or price. To many this presents an impossible task. What is often forgotten is that an exact estimate isn't expected. What you need to produce is one that is accurate enough to close the sale. In this session you'll learn a method for producing early estimates to support your sales process.

Almost all clients who approach your agency about a project want to know up front what the total cost will be. They hand you some loose notes and expect a fixed number of hours or price. To many this presents an impossible task. What is often forgotten is that an exact estimate isn't expected. What you need to produce is one that is accurate enough to close the sale. In this session you'll learn a method for producing early estimates to support your sales process.

OLPC Australia's use of Drupal & Civi-CRM

aimee maree forsstrom 4 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

You might have heard about a little laptop called Xo? One Laptop Per Child Australia will provide an overview on how they are using Drupal and Civi-CRM. This talk aims to provide an introduction to how Drupal and Civi-CRM can be utilised for management of non for profit projects.

You might have heard about a little laptop called Xo? One Laptop Per Child Australia would like to provide an overview on how they are using Drupal and Civi-CRM for online communications and managing laptop deployments. This talk aims to provide an introduction to how you can utilize Drupal and Civi-CRM for management of non for profit projects.

Drupal in the Corporate Eco-System

aimee maree forsstrom 4 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

This talk will aim to share the experience of assisting corporations with the introduction of Drupal, the needed areas of attention in the upgrade process and some hard lessons learnt on the battle fields.

Over the past two years the Drupal user base has grown to include large corporations. This talk presents experiences learnt from various projects introducing Drupal and Open Source Technologies into corporations with pre-existing environments. This discussion will be aimed at:

Case study: on NodeStream - a Drupal distribution for newspapers and magazines

Thomas Barregren 4 July 2010
Type:  Session in official program

Learn why the newspaper VF kicked out the .NET based EPiServer and chose the Drupal based NodeStream. Also see how NodeStream seamlessly integrates with editorial systems.

Christian Edwertz (business developer) and Odd Råberg (web editor) at the daily newspaper Värmlands Folkblad (VF) will tell you why they moved their on-line edition - - from the .NET based EPiServer to the Drupal based NodeStream. You will also see NodeStream demonstrated; and how seamless it can be integrated with a third-party editorial system.

Why chose NodeStream/Drupal

Awesomeness redefined: Drupal7 Theming

mortendk 4 July 2010
Type:  Session in official program

Drupal7 is coming sooner than we know it, and its pretty awesome (whos surpriced?) This session will be a gentle walkthrough of the new things that any themer needs to know

Drupal7 is coming sooner than we know it, and its pretty awesome (whos surpriced?) This session will be a gentle walkthrough of the new things that any themer needs to know

Ugly be gone

    • what happend to all the pretty themes
  • New themes both front & back

logic welcome to drupal

  • ...oooh gasp, so the css naming will make sence
  • blocks, variables & names that make even more sence - wow!
  • what changed?

tiplphiphs Rules and new awesome stuff

  • what where and why did somebody changed that?
Additional Presenters:  Jen Simmons

The Future of

Lisa Rex 3 July 2010
Type:  Session in official program is undergoing a massive change. A panel from the redesign team will discuss the redesign project. is undergoing a massive change. It's our home and playground. It's also a public face of Drupal. In this session, some of the team discuss:

  • Why needed a redesign
  • How the redesign project is also a redevelopment, and the technical challenges we face
  • What project management strategies worked, and what didn't, and what we're learning along the way
  • Why the Drupal Association had to hire people
  • Overview of our contributors

One thing is certain, this is not your typical open source project.

Additional Presenters:  Kieran Lal Todd Nienkerk Neil Drumm