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Integrating agile with Drupal

Dustin Currie 4 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

Integrating agile with Drupal

Panel on integrating agile with Drupal

Placeholder copy. Will fill out shortly.

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Git Fundamentals

Sam Boyer 4 July 2010
Type:  Session in official program

RIP CVS - Drupal is going git! This session will cover the fundamentals you'll need to know in order to work with git. We'll do basic git instruction, then move on into additional information and techniques that'll make working with the new git infrastructure a breeze.

RIP CVS - Drupal is going git! This session will cover the fundamentals you'll need to know in order to work with git. We'll do basic git instruction, then move on into additional information and techniques that'll make working with the new git infrastructure a breeze. Whether you're a maintainer, contributor, or just use Drupal at your work, this session will give you a working knowledge of how git and drupal fit together.

See Through Their Eyes: How to Anticipate The Needs of Your Clients

Stuart Broz 4 July 2010
Type:  Session in official program

If you build Drupal sites for others, you've run into differences in vision. Your understanding of a client's needs might be imperfect. A client might make assumptions about what Drupal can easily do and not mention major functionality that they are expecting. This session will concentrate on helping you see achieve a shared vision. This will increase both your efficiency and your client's satisfaction.

This session will focus on opening your mind to the point of view of your clients. Whether you are working for a non-profit, a corporation, or your mom... we will cover some tricks that will help you understand what they want even if they can't explain it to you in Drupalspeak.

Ultimately, the aim of this session is to help you build skills that will enable you to understand your client's desires. Your clients get the Drupal site that they want. Your save time and energy (and money and aggravation) while you build it. This leaves both you and your client happy.

Go real-time with PubSubHubbub and Feeds

Alex Barth 4 July 2010
Type:  Session in official program

PubSubHubbub (short PuSH) is a publish/subscribe protocol for RSS and Atom feeds. Instead of polling a news feed periodically for new items, PuSH issues notifications when new items are published: Instant delivery in place of "are we there yet?" aggregation.

PubSubHubbub (short PuSH) is a publish/subscribe protocol for RSS and Atom feeds. Instead of polling a news feed periodically for new items, PuSH issues notifications when new items are published: Instant delivery in place of "are we there yet?" aggregation.

PuSH has gained considerable traction since its inception in 2009. Today, Wordpress, Feedburner, LiveJournal, MySpace, Tumblr and more publish PuSH feeds.

This session will explain:



Users identity and confidentiality management

Adrien Baumann 4 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

How to ensure collection and retrieval of user identity informations while letting them manage what part of those they are willing to share with the community : use case through contributed modules and custom code.

A user exists in a community website through their identity. But identity informations are not to be displayed to everyone.
In this session we will talk about tools we used and developed to create, manage and moderate those identities, as well as modules and techniques to provide privacy and confidentiality management.

A few points that will be discussed during this session:
- Profile and Profile Privacy
- Multistep register
- User Workflow
- User roles and User Relationships
- Access control and confidentiality cursor

Additional Presenters:  Frédéric G. MARAND Sibel Demircan Sandrine

A method for getting early estimates right

Jakob Persson 4 July 2010
Type:  Session in official program

Almost all clients who approach your agency about a project want to know up front what the total cost will be. They hand you some loose notes and expect a fixed number of hours or price. To many this presents an impossible task. What is often forgotten is that an exact estimate isn't expected. What you need to produce is one that is accurate enough to close the sale. In this session you'll learn a method for producing early estimates to support your sales process.

Almost all clients who approach your agency about a project want to know up front what the total cost will be. They hand you some loose notes and expect a fixed number of hours or price. To many this presents an impossible task. What is often forgotten is that an exact estimate isn't expected. What you need to produce is one that is accurate enough to close the sale. In this session you'll learn a method for producing early estimates to support your sales process.

Advanced Site Building Module

Welin Welchev 4 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

We (Propeople) have been working hard on a concept for Site Buidling and we think we now have a module that is well-tested, stable and ready to be shared with the Drupal community.

Architecturing the way content editor will be able to manage the content on their site is one of the most important parts of building a web site.

Drupal Performance Boost Solutions

Welin Welchev 4 July 2010
Type:  Session in official program

In this session we plan to share our best practices (what modules we use, hardware setupe, etc.) and explain our approach in building one of the biggest Drupal sites in Denmark, and probably worldwide

Honestly speaking, Drupal is a big out of the box system. It carries a vast amount of queries per page load, and uses quite a few MB for its PHP memory size.

Having the experience on more than 250 developed projects we pledge that Drupal performance can be vastly improved according to your website's goals. Indeed, using the right tools we always achieve the results of the Powerful CMS + Amazing Performance.

Tips and Tricks for Scalable and Stable Drupal Websites

Welin Welchev 4 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

In this session we plan to share our (Propeople) most valuable tips and tricks, to help you build exceptionally scalable and remarkable stable Drupal websites based on our experience on more than 250 developed projects.

One power-feature of Drupal is flexibility. You can take what's already made by others and create your "own" version of the system.

Having the experience on more than 250 developed projects and always exceeding our clients' highest expectations, we have identified absolutely-must-have modules fitted for different types of sites, and to benefit your customer with the full extent of this great CMS.

Also, our in-house research has shown there are many small enhancements that can make a big difference.

Setting up a High-Performance Distributed Drupal in the Cloud

Jeff Wallace 4 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

Keep hearing about "the cloud" and not sure how to get there? This talk will help you decide when it's time to start reaching for the cloud, and then how you can get there. We will outline how you can get Drupal installed in the cloud with services on separated and load-balanced instances.