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Integrating agile with Drupal

Dustin Currie 4 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

Integrating agile with Drupal

Panel on integrating agile with Drupal

Placeholder copy. Will fill out shortly.

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Imaginary users can save your Drupal site

J-P Stacey 18 June 2010
Type:  Session in official program

User personas - fake users everyone has a hand in fleshing out - can ensure your site's functionality and usability and speed up feature launch

Drupal lends itself well to modular, separately deployable code. This means you can often reduce quite large Drupal-based projects to sets of minimum deployable features (MDFs) - informally speaking, chunks of functionality which get a particular job done, and don't look weird on their own - which quickly start to take shape as Drupal development plans.

Additional Presenters:  Rich Middleditch

A sprint in the life of a highly agile Drupal development organization.

Jacob Singh 16 June 2010
Type:  Session in official program

Get inside the process behind the building of Drupal Gardens. Acquia's engineering team have been building DrupalGardens at a fast pace for the past year and now that we are heading into open beta we decided it was time to open up and share what has worked well with the community. Chris Brookins (VP Engineering), Linea Rowe (Director Product Management) and Jacob Singh (Principal Engineer) will take you through a 21-day sprint in the life of the Drupal Gardens team.

Acquia's engineering team have been building DrupalGardens at a fast pace for the past year and now that we are heading into open beta we decided it was time to open up and share what has worked well with the community. Chris Brookins (VP Engineering), Linea Rowe (Director Product Management) and Jacob Singh (Principal Engineer) will take you through a 21-day sprint in the life of the Drupal Gardens team.

This session is for:



  • Engineering managers trying to inspire their teams to greatness while watching the bottom line.
  • Additional Presenters:  Chris Brookins