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Jeff Wallace

4 July 2010
Jeff Wallace
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Evolving Web
Language (Primary) English
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Setting up a High-Performance Distributed Drupal in the Cloud

Jeff Wallace 4 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

Keep hearing about "the cloud" and not sure how to get there? This talk will help you decide when it's time to start reaching for the cloud, and then how you can get there. We will outline how you can get Drupal installed in the cloud with services on separated and load-balanced instances.

Rock solid JavaScript (or how to remove maintainer repellent)

Paul Lovvik 4 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

This session will include live, enlightening demonstrations that will help you write JavaScript code that is more beautiful and more maintainable. This session will help you understand and avoid some of the common pitfalls made possible by JavaScript's flexibility.

This session will include live, enlightening demonstrations that will help you write JavaScript code that is more beautiful and more maintainable. This session will help you understand and avoid some of the common pitfalls made possible by JavaScript's flexibility.

JavaScript code can be at least as beautiful as PHP code. Take a quick look at this PHP code:

function setText(&$elements, $text) {
  myeach($elements, create_function('&$element, $text',
    '$element = preg_replace("/>[^<]*</", ">$text<", $element);'),

Drupal in the Corporate Eco-System

aimee maree forsstrom 4 July 2010
Type:  Not planned session

This talk will aim to share the experience of assisting corporations with the introduction of Drupal, the needed areas of attention in the upgrade process and some hard lessons learnt on the battle fields.

Over the past two years the Drupal user base has grown to include large corporations. This talk presents experiences learnt from various projects introducing Drupal and Open Source Technologies into corporations with pre-existing environments. This discussion will be aimed at:

Theme Preprocess Functions: an Introduction

Carl Wiedemann 4 July 2010
Type:  Session in official program

How many times has this happened to you: You're theming a Drupal site, writing your CSS and making a few changes to the tpl files here and there. Everything is going great, then suddenly you realize you need to change one of those things that starts with a "$" inside those funny-looking <?php ?> tags. Panic!

All your HTML are Belong to us #2.5 Revenge of the Markup

mortendk 4 July 2010
Type:  Session in official program

Drupal comes with a lot(!) of predefined markup & css.
Modules are adding styles and markup to the themes and so themers have limited control over whats going on inside the theme - that works well for some themers - others not so much.. or to put in other words:

Drupal comes with a lot(!) of predefined markup & css.
Modules are adding styles and markup to the themes and so themers have limited control over whats going on inside the theme - that works well for some themers - others not so much.. or to put in other words:

"WTF does all this bib markup do in my bib site - aaargh for >>--bib--<< sake, Gimme lean mean mother >>--bib--<< 'ing markup"

This session is all about controlling and cleaning up the markup.

The Future of

Lisa Rex 3 July 2010
Type:  Session in official program is undergoing a massive change. A panel from the redesign team will discuss the redesign project. is undergoing a massive change. It's our home and playground. It's also a public face of Drupal. In this session, some of the team discuss:

  • Why needed a redesign
  • How the redesign project is also a redevelopment, and the technical challenges we face
  • What project management strategies worked, and what didn't, and what we're learning along the way
  • Why the Drupal Association had to hire people
  • Overview of our contributors

One thing is certain, this is not your typical open source project.

Additional Presenters:  Kieran Lal Todd Nienkerk Neil Drumm

On the importance of DONE: Scrum and Drupal at the Economist

Type:  Session in official program

Join Rob Purdie, ScrumMaster at the Economist, and Ezra Barnett Gildesgame, Developer at Growing Venture Solutions, as they discuss how the Economist uses Scrum to focus on completing work according to an exacting "definition of done."

Additional Presenters:  Rob Purdie

Views: The Key to the Drupal Castle

Type:  Session in official program

The Views module is one of the most innovative and important Contributed Drupal modules, second in usage only to Drupal core.

Views empowers site administrators to easily create customized listings of content, and has changed the way developers build their modules. In this session, we'll focus on how Views empowers site administrators to build complex listings of content without any programming knowhow.

Building Conference & Event Websites in Drupal with COD

Type:  Session in official program

Come see why Drupal is the best platform for building conference and event websites that meet the needs of attendees, event organizers and sponsors!

In this session we'll build a conference website from scratch that provides robust features including:

  • Proposing and voting on sessions
  • Setting a session schedule for the event and for each attendee
  • Making it easy for attendees to register, pay and provide profile information
  • Managing a waiting list of attendees
  • Collecting and displaying sponsor information

We'll see how Drupal's Conference Organizing Distribution (COD) can help get a conference site up and running quickly, allowing event organizers to focus on running the event and personalizing the site, and allowing attendees to participate actively before, during and after the event!

We'll also see how COD was used to build other conference websites, like DrupalCamp Colorado 2010, and an upcoming conference for the Meego open source project.

Come see why Drupal is the best platform for building conference and event websites that meet the needs of attendees, event organizers and sponsors!

In this session we'll build a conference website from scratch that provides robust features including:

  • Proposing and voting on sessions
  • Setting a session schedule for the event and for each attendee
  • Making it easy for attendees to register, pay and provide profile information
  • Managing a waiting list of attendees
  • Collecting and displaying sponsor information
Additional Presenters:  Ben Jeavons Lisa Rex