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The Command Line is your friend

Addison Berry 10 June 2010
Type:  Session in official program

The *nix command line interface (CLI) is a powerful tool but can be a bit daunting if you've never used one before. Here is an introduction to explain what is going on and get comfortable with the basics you need to be a command line rockstar.

This session will introduce you to the wonderful and powerful tool of working from a *nix command line interface (CLI) instead of using a GUI (pointy-clicky). This is targeted at folks who've never opened a terminal before, but will cover a number of tips and tricks along the way. We'll even show you how Windows users can get the same CLI that Linux and Mac users use, so you can use it too!

Main points we'll cover:
- Huh? What is this thing? How do I get one?
- Moving around (both locally and accessing a remote server)
- Creating and editing files
- Searching

PHP for NonProgrammers

Type:  Not planned session

A fun, friendly programming introduction for people new to coding

This is a friendly programming introduction for people new to coding. We'll take a "Physics for Poets" approach to basic PHP concepts like variables, conditionals, and functions. You'll write a little bit of code, speak a little geek, laugh a little, and start down the addictive path of programming logic.

We'll cover:



  • Variables ($variable = where I store my stuff)
  • Boolean logic (you can either eat cake OR eat cookies but you must run AND lift weights)
  • Conditional statements (if this is true, do that, else, do something else)
  • Mapping in Drupal with OpenLayers

    Alan Palazzolo 8 June 2010
    Type:  Session in official program

    OpenLayers is a powerful Javascript library to do web mapping with. Combined with Drupal, OpenLayers provides a solid base for creating maps on your Drupal site and integrating Drupal structures. This session will demo the module and talk about the status and direction of the module.

    Web mapping is all the rage these days, and for good reason. Mapping allows users to explore data in a more meaningful and enjoyable way. Combining the power of geo-coded content and mapping, a site's content can come to life in ways that traditional sites cannot offer.

    Additional Presenters:  Thomas Turnbull

    Send Targeted & Personalized mails with Views Send

    Claudiu Cristea 8 June 2010
    Type:  Not planned session

    Wanna send nice personalized messages from Drupal to a fine tuned list? Find out how you can do this with Views Send. Views Send allow sending mass mailing using Views Bulk Operations.

    Here comes Views Send! Views Send allow sending mass mailing using Views Bulk Operations.

    Did all that SEO Module stuff I just did work?

    Mark Brown 4 June 2010
    Type:  Not planned session

    Drupal has a comprehensive collection of modules for optimizing sites, including the SEO Checklist. After you’ve checked the last item on the checklist you are going to want to know if everything worked and if there is anything else you can do. To help with this there is a free tool created by Microsoft that you can run to see what a search engine sees when it looks at your sites.

    Drupal has a comprehensive collection of modules for optimizing sites, including the SEO Checklist. After you’ve checked the last item on the checklist you are going to want to know if everything worked and if there is anything else you can do. To help with this there is a free tool created by Microsoft that you can run to see what a search engine sees when it looks at your sites.

    Drupal Video Integration

    Erich Beyrent 4 June 2010
    Type:  Not planned session

    Developers who want to integrate video into their websites or for a client's website face a wide variety of services and a confusing array of options and terminology. What do you do when YouTube isn't good enough? How do you choose the best solution?

    Developers who want to integrate video into their websites or for a client's website face a wide variety of services and a confusing array of options and terminology. What do you do when YouTube isn't good enough? How do you choose the best solution?

    This session will familiarize attendees with hosted video solutions across three price tiers, from entry-level to enterprise, and how to integrate these solutions into Drupal. We will discuss terminology, best practices and hosting providers such as:

    • YouTube
    • Vimeo
    • CDN2
    • Kaltura
    • Limelight
    • Brightcove

    Topics include:

    Group (the new Organic groups) -- Building social networks in Drupal 7

    Amitai Burstein 3 June 2010
    Type:  Session in official program

    Organic groups has undergone a complete rewrite making it up to date with Drupal 7. The session will cover the differences between Group and Organic groups, and how Group is taking advantage of the field API.

    Organic groups has undergone a complete rewrite making it up to date with Drupal 7. The session will cover the differences between Group and Organic groups, and how Group is taking advantage of the field API.

    We will build a basic groups site without any coding.

    Later, for the benefit of module maintainers, we will build an example module that integrates with Group in order to learn how to use its API, this way attendees will have a better understanding on how to upgrade the OG modules from version 6.

    Don't design websites. Design web SYSTEMS!

    Todd Nienkerk 3 June 2010
    Type:  Session in official program

    Designers have tremendous control over the functionality of the site. Developers, after all, look at wireframes and comps to determine what a feature should do. So designers: Stop thinking about websites and start thinking about web systems. Learn how the web chefs at Four Kitchens design the look and feel of some of the world's largest Drupal sites — er, systems.

    Drupal's theme layer is very flexible and can accommodate just about any web design. It's important for designers to remember, however, that they're not really creating a page — they're building a complete system to house the all of the site's content.

    In this session, we will talk about concepting and creating a Drupal-optimized design.

    Image credit: agjimenez on Flickr (CC BY-ND).

    Additional Presenters:  Aaron Stanush

    Khairn - project management, Drupal-based

    Jutta Horstmann 2 June 2010
    Type:  Not planned session

    To succeed in project management, you need a smart tool providing one-stop support for the many tasks associated with large projects.
    Certainly there is no better foundation for such a tool than Drupal, our „swiss army knife“. Our company, data in transit, is developing Khairn, a Drupal project management distribution that has proven itself in daily use through several projects.

    Building a Drupal 7 site - from installation to full real life site

    Ivica Puljic 31 May 2010
    Type:  Not planned session

    With Drupal 7 just around the corner (beta releases are planned for end of June), this session will demonstrate the creation of simple real life site. The session starts with site sketching and core Drupal 7 install and ends with production-ready website.

    With Drupal 7 just around the corner (beta releases are planned for July), this session will demonstrate the creation of a simple real life site. The session starts with site sketching and a core Drupal 7 install and ends with a production-ready website.

    In this session you will learn how to create a Drupal site that has:

    • a blog & news section
    • a product section with image gallery
    • client interaction - (contact page, forum and simple mailing list)
    • a custom front page (with the help of views, blocks and a little custom css)
    • basic SEO configuration

    Session plan